It's Alexander, not Alex :)

Writing & blog

Here’s a repository of random musings including but not limited to interviews, attempts at writing for humor, and sports commentary 🐩 .


Weekday Muse: Pasta alle Vongole


It's been a pretty slow week and it's only Monday. My strategy at the grocery store has always been to go through every single aisle, regardless of actual grocery-related needs. While it can lead to impulsive purchases, it can yield some great finds.

When I saw these clams earlier today, I instantly was reminded of my cousin Ed's cooking. The last time I was in San Francisco we went on a run to buy clams amongst other sea creatures at this seafood store called Wing Hing on Clement Street. We walked away with 10 pounds of clams and muscles.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been creeped out/skeptical of clams in general. No particular reason. Upon getting home Ed steamed the clams and muscles in salt, water, and some fresh herbs. Poof. Done. Within 10 minutes, Ed was scarfing down shell after shell. Something I'll never forget.

Anyway, tonight I decided to take a swing at it. I began by steaming the clams in salt water with a couple bay leaves, saving a bit of "clam juice" from the pot. After cooking pasta to a little under al dente, I tossed olive oil + Calabrian chilis + garlic + clams + clam juice + pasta. And...poof! Thanks Ed.