Commonplace 1: No place like home
Introducing Commonplace
Commonplace is a project that I’ve started to 1) Bring people together and 2) Explore different stories and concepts through cooking. I wanted to start this to show people the beauty and humanity in hospitality. Every now and then, I’ll invite 4 people over to my studio with the goal being to share a meal, crack some jokes, and have a stellar time. I’ll be using this blog to document Commonplace as well as other things.
It would be foolish to think that there's a single dish that can universally remind people of home. My exposition of "home cooking" serves as an exploration of the dishes that bring me back to my childhood. It's surprising how much people can resonate with tastes and feelings that, superficially, seem foreign. It begs the question, Can food be inherently relatable? Enjoy.